Reviews and ratings for turbo download manager find out what other users think about turbo download manager and add it to your firefox browser. Turbo download manager extension firefox. But there is a little relief for the people who are looking for the download management extensions for firefox in the form of turbo download manager this extension allows you to pause, resume and fetch multiple links for downloads – not exactly what an extension like downthemall could do, but is still able to make it easy for you to manage.
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Extension workshop developer hub download firefox register or log in search search turbo download manager version history - 3 versions turbo download manager by inbasic rated 4 out of 5 4 stars out of 5 turbo download manager version history - 3 versions be careful with old versions! these versions are displayed for testing and reference. Download turbo download manager for free. a portable modern multi-threading download manager for all platforms. a modern multi thread download manager for windows, linux, mac os, firefox, chrome, opera and android devices.. This is the webextension port of my "turbo download manager" firefox extension (or chrome app) this extension has four main modules: 1. download manager popup (to monitor downloading jobs initiated either from this extension or from the built-in download manager). 2. download dialog window (to add multiple links and to collect images from the.