Syllabus for b tech electrical engineering btech electrical & electronics engg of second year (effe ctive from the session: 2014-15) study and evaluation scheme b-tech electrical engg/electrical & electronics engineering year: 2nd semester-iii sl no course no subject period evaluation scheme subject total credit sessional. Electrical engineering 2nd year syllabus. Se electrical engineering (2015 course) – savitribai phule pune university 3 audit course audit course: optional for 1st and 2nd term of se electrical engineering ‘audit courses’ means a course in which the student shall be awarded pass or fail.
electrical engineering 2nd year syllabus
Syllabus of dce - 2018-2019 studychacha
Electrical and electronics engineering; information technology; computer science and engineering and information technology; mba 1st year (aicte curriculum ) study & evaluation scheme with syllabus for 2nd year; master of pharmacy 2nd year syllabus as per pci; bdes and m des bdes syllabus 2017-2018; bdes syllabus 2018-2019;. S.e. electrical engineering (2008 course) s.e. civil engineering (2008 course) second year engineering) pune university syllabus., syllabus of university of pune. 1 comment: wakky 2 september 2011 at 22:38. second year engineering) pune university syl... revised syllabus on 2008 f. e. (first year enginee.... Maharashtra polytechnic is affiliated to the maharashtra state board of technical education (msbte) and conduct courses approved by the all india council for technical education (aicte), new delhi and recognized by govt. of maharashtra..