Sony xperia m2 dual d2302 android 5.1.1 lollipop firmware download and updating procedure to make your electronic device like your sony xperia android phone up-to-date, the installation and updating the sony xperia firmware is essential.. Download sony xperia m2 dual d2302 stock rom from here, flash it in your device and enjoy the native android experience again. the download file contains the usb driver, flash tool, and the firmware file.. Berikut adalah file flash stock rom firmware sony xperia m2 dual d2302 terbaru, anda mungkin perlu melakukan flash ulang sony xperia m2 dual d2302, proses flashing sony xperia m2 dual d2302 harus dilakukan jika smartphone mengalami kerusakan pada system nya seperti bootloop / hang logo, terkena virus malware, kurang responsive, aplikasi.